
Sunday, 2 September 2012

Smashed It - End of August Goals!!!

So as you know my goal weight at the end of August was to be 85.5kg (189lbs) down form 87kg (192lbs) at the beginning of August.

My weight on the 31st of August was 84.3kg (185.8lbs)!!!!!!! That means in a month I lost 2.7kg (6lbs)! 

I am so happy with my progress, but it poses a problem for me. What do I do now? 

Given that I'm only 300g (10 ounces) away from my End of September goal weight of 84kg (185 lbs) should I change my goals? And if I do, how should I change them?

I think there are 3 plausible options. 


I move all my goals up by one month, so that my end of January goal becomes my end of December goal and my End of October goal now becomes my end of September goal. This means that I would try to finish in October next year, and still lose at a rate of 1.5kg (3 lbs) a month. 


I change the rate at which I try to lose weight. I easily lost 2.7kg in August, why not change my losing rate to 2kg (4 lbs) or 2.5kg (5.5lbs) every month? In fact I could push myself even further, go more extreme and lose 3kg (6 lbs) a month. If I lost 3kg (6lbs) a month I would reach my weight in only 7 months rather than 15 months. I could be skinny in time for the end of summer! 


I could make no changes.  

My Choice

The first two options are so appealing to me. I want to be slim and fit NOW, I don't want to have to wait, and I don't want it to take 15 more months of hard work. It is tempting to choose 7 months of extreme dieting and getting to my goal weight as fast as possible. 

There is this part of me saying "it's only 7 months, just exercise like crazy, eat as little as possible, and when you get to your goal weight it will all be worth it. You've done other things (mostly jobs) that you didn't enjoy for longer than 7 months, if you can do that, you can diet. Really, it wouldn't be that hard and think of those size 10 jeans". 

However it is exactly that voice, who I've listened to in the past, that has lead me to where I am today. I am not going to listen to it! I am going to do this slowly, so that the weight loss lasts. 

I am choosing the third option! 

And you know what, there is something extremely comforting about only having to lose 300g this month. There is absolutely NO PRESSURE and it feels amazing to already be so close to my goal. By setting realistic and manageable goals I'm creating a POSITIVE experience, where I feel like I can do ANYTHING, rather than feeling like a failure. 

Feel free to leave your own tips for success and weight loss goals in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I just got back online and I cant wait to hear what you decided to do. I am sure you are doing great.
